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Fed into his gadgets
   Money rolls away
Trapped within a window
   Paid in waking hours

Wallet full of plastic
   Old and obsolete
Numbers climbing higher
   Piquing interest

From → Poems

  1. Deborah permalink

    This poem captures two pretend play activities relating to, well, cash! One of Matthew’s favorite toys right now is a LeapFrog cash register, which comes with plastic coins that he drops into the top. It makes this cool click/beep sound, then rolls down the coin slide while the internal computer adds up his “purchases.” Sometimes, though, Matthew doesn’t get the coins positioned just right, so they roll off the toy and onto the floor…or behind his bed…or into the crack of the windowsill (?!)…at which point Matthew calls for our help in searching for his wayward currency. “Paid in waking hours” means that he plays with the cash register for his entire naptime. *sigh*

    The second stanza refers to Matthew’s wallet – yes, he has his own wallet (and skeleton key, but that’s for another poem)! After watching Dada pull out his wallet to pay for groceries week after week, Matthew decided that he wanted one of his own. So we got him a small wallet and filled it with Monopoly money, expired coupons, old membership cards, and a note from Mama & Dada in the photo insert. Matthew looooooves to take everything out and organize his wallet, counting the numbers on each dollar bill!

  2. Rebecca permalink

    This is so cute! He’s a little adult being all responsible with his money. 🙂 Does he pull out his wallet if he has a cookie in his hand while at the store?

    • He doesn’t really take his own wallet out of the house yet, though he does “borrow” mine sometimes. On the other hand, his key (an old, cheap skeleton) he carries in his pocket, and he tries to open locks with it when we’re out.

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